数据应用层程序 Data-Tier Application Component
应用程序层 Application ; Applicine ; application layers ; JDBC API
个人层应用程序管理 Personal Tier Application Management
分层应用程序 Layered Application
应用程序层服务 application-level services
多层应用程序 N-tier applications ; multi-tiers application
三层应用程序 Three-Layered Application
分布式多层应用程序 Distributed Multi-tiered Applications
应用程序层网关 Application Layer Gateway
Because this system is limited to application layer discussion, so do go into the specific compression algorithm.
The bottom hardware driver is written by Lingyang chip microcomputer AL and the USB protocol & client layer application program written by Lingyang chip microcomputer C language.
Application layer: The application layer is used by most programs that require network communication.