超人归来 Superman Returns ; Superman ; The Art of Superman Returns ; Supermgood Returns
亡者归来 Resurrection ; Return of the dead ; After returning from his surviving
马丁·盖尔归来 The Return of Martin Guerre
福尔摩斯归来记 The Return of Sherlock Holmes
木乃伊归来 The Mummy Returns ; Mummy ; Revenge of the Mummy ; Mummy Return
归来的马 The Horses Returmed ; The Horse
王者归来 The Return of the King ; THE RETURN ; King Back ; Here I Stand
东京归来 Back To Tokyo
杰克归来 Jack is back ; Jack's Back
Hundreds of thousands of jubilant Americans cheered him on his return.
Upon his return, he established this school at Athens he called the Academy, "Academy" for the training of philosophers, statesmen, and legislators.
this is an idea that ; I got from the Milton lecture that I took when I was a sophomore here; - my professor suggested that this is an instance of what -- Freud would call the return of the repressed.
Once you hear that description, it's easy to write the code, in fact. This is a place where the recursive version of it is much easier to think about than the iterative one.