They began to sell their art in handicraft markets and on the Internet.
Yerevans Vernisage(美术和手工艺市场),离国家广场很近,在广场上有数以百计的来去匆匆的卖各种各样手工艺品的小贩。
Yerevan's Vernisage (arts and crafts market), close to Republic Square, bustles with hundreds of vendors selling a variety of crafts.
专利 :在整个市场营销之初,包装和邮寄会伴随着任何业务,手工艺者同时也必须关注一些法律因素,如获得专利和销售许可。
Patents : On top of the general marketing, packaging and mailing that go along with any business, crafters should also focus on legal concerns such as obtaining patents and a seller's license.