技术参数(Technical parameters): 德丰/上海帕欧系列 德丰-上海帕欧系列柴油发电机组外形美观,结构紧凑,具有更高的可靠性和更好的配套适应性,是固定电站,备...
大量供应TG16台式高速离心机TG16台式高速离心机技术参数(Technical Data): TG16台式高速离心机无刷电机驱动,数字化显示,全电脑控制,模具化生产,转子经严格的过速安全实验,保证安全、体积小、重量轻、低...
主要技术参数 Main technical parameters ; Main Technical specifications ; Technical parameter ; Specifications
技术参数表 Technical Data Sheet ; Technological parameter date ; Technical Date ; Specification form
产品技术参数 Product's Technical Parameters ; Technical Data ; Technical Parameters ; Production tech parameter
转子技术参数 Rotor Technical Date ; Swing out Rotor Technical Date
技术参数资料 technical reference
系统技术参数 SPECIFICATIONS ; Technical data
规格及主要技术参数 Main Specifications
主要技术参数不清 Main technical parameters
规格与技术参数 Specifications and technical parameters
The topic researches the automatic hydro control system for surge irrigation so the technic parameter of the surge irrigation can be adjusted as we need to satisfy the users' needs in the course of using.
参考来源 - 波涌流节水灌溉水力自动控制装置研究By the study above, the main technological parameter are provided for the reference of device design and practical application.
参考来源 - 重力翻板式垃圾快速堆肥装置技术参数与结构优化研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The objective is to establish industrialization production technology parameter for decoction pieces shuangfei of Platycodon grandiflorum.
There may be uncertainty regarding the technical parameters, such as the reliability of the project deliverables.
Some finely machine engineer said these we all want to try, to obtain better technology parameters.