出处 1. 支撑。撑起;撑住。 《后汉书·章帝纪》:“丁酉,南巡狩,诏所经道上,郡县无得设储跱。命司空自将徒支柱桥梁。” 清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·论文上·积素斋文》:“隐然有支柱世道之意。”中国近代史资料丛刊《辛亥革命·四川铁路案档案·宣统三年十月二十一日赵尔巽致内阁袁世凯函》:“当日派 端方 赴 川 , 尔巽 即力阻两次。盖逆知其人专趋巧黠,不能支柱艰难。”
... structurizing引起组织变化的、引起结构变化的 strut支柱、撑杆、支撑 stub树桩、残段、短柱、短管、短线、线头、轴头、残极 ...
支柱 中文名称: 支柱 英文名称: Upright 友情链接 中国铝合金网 中国箱包网 中国保护用品网 中国保暖网 中国保温网 中国浴设备网 中国烧烤网 中国工业皮带网 中国床上用品网
前两天听到的,美国的中东政策原有三大 支柱 ( PILLARS ):保证石油供应,保护以色列,维护地区稳定。初一看,后面两个似乎相互矛盾,但再回头看第一个,就知道什么是矛盾中的统一。
支柱产业 pillar industry ; Pillar industries ; pillar estate ; mainstay industry
国民经济支柱性产业 pillar of national economy ; pillar of the economy
精神支柱 spiritual prop ; spiritual pillar ; Spiritual support ; spiritual props
五大支柱 "five major pillars" ; five pillars
支柱性产业 a pillar industry
翼间支柱 interplane strut
国民经济支柱产业 pillar industries in national economy ; pillar industry in national economy
单打支柱 single net post ; singles stick
钢支柱 [机] Steel Upright ; Steel Prop ; Steel Strut
Catalytic cracking is a main oil refining technique of making heavy oil lighter , and the mark and pillar of oil refining industry .
参考来源 - 催化裂化反再系统设备技术改造研究Therefore, flexible production gradually becomes the core and the prop of production organization. The research on and its applying in production control has extremely vital significance.
参考来源 - 中小企业产能柔性及其在车间生产控制中的应用研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Rescuers used props to stop the roof of the tunnel collapsing.
Mothers are often the ones who provide emotional support for the family.
For Nietzsche, the underpinnings of consciousness which make the operations of consciousness inauthentic are the nature of language itself.
It's twofold: its inauthentic relationship with the things it looks at and also its inauthentic relationship with its own underpinnings.
They're not part of the government, but they were created by the government and they are massive supporters of the housing market.