misc. magnifying lens
桌面放大镜 Desktop Magnifier ; OneLoupe ; Desktop Zoom ; ZoomIt
放大镜专业版 Magnifying gl
放大镜实用程序 magnify
双目放大镜 binocular magnifier ; binocular loupe ; loupe ; convergioscope
放大镜控件 TMagnify
屏幕放大镜 Magnifixer ; Magic Lens Max ; Pixelscope ; Screen Magnifier
袖珍放大镜 pocket magnifier ; hand viewer
手术放大镜 operating magnifying glass ; operating loupes ; surgical microscope ; operating magnifier
放大镜工具 zoom tool ; Magnifier ; Magnifer Tool ; OneLoupe
You really need a magnifying glass to appreciate all the fine detail.
Point the camera at a white background, and observe this phenomenon with a magnifying glass.
It is easier," he says, "not to view justice microscopically in an individual, " as it were through a magnifying glass."
More specifically, what does it mean to say that an individual can be seen ? as magnified in his or her country, or that one's country is simply the collective expression of certain individual traits of character?