新兴产业是指关系到国民经济社会发展和产业结构优化升级,具有全局性、长远性、导向性和动态性特征的产业。与传统产业相比,具有高技术含量、高附加值、资源集约等特点,也是促使国民经济和企业发展走上创新驱动、内生增长轨道的根本途径。 新兴产业是随着新的科研成果和新兴技术的诞生并应用而出现的新的经济部门或行业。通常新兴产业的标准、业务流程还有待开发,先驱企业往往获得先发优势。
战略性新兴产业 emerging industries of strategic importance ; strategic emerging industry
新兴产业培育 to foster new industries
新兴产业发展 femerging industries
新兴产业集群 develop emerging industry clusters
新兴产业创业创新平台 platform for supporting business startups and innovation in emerging industries
国家新兴产业创业投资引导基金 government funds to encourage investment in emerging industries National Venture Capital Guide Fund for Emerging Industries
赛达新兴产业园 XEDA Sci-Tech Park
新兴文化产业 emerging cultural industry
新兴海洋产业 Newly Emerging Marine Industry
Some Huizhou merchants invested in the new industry and made important achievement.
参考来源 - 近代徽商研究The 7th part is sustainable with scale development of strategic emerging industry.
参考来源 - 我国产业低碳化经济发展研究The logistics industry is one of the emerging industries that has the vast development potential.
参考来源 - 我国物流产业发展及研究综述—《物流科技》—2007年第6期—龙源期刊网E-commerce and tourism are both rising industry which have greatpotential.
参考来源 - 移动电子商务环境下的支付模式及其在旅游房产交易系统中的应用·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
New industries demanded skilled labour not available locally.
To compete for jobs on a national level, they should be armed with the skills that emerging industries need, whether technical or not.
The remaining sixty-five percent, more recently urbanized, worked in newly developed industries—tobacco, lumber, coal and iron manufacture, and railroads.