生产者可以申请使用权出让计划有任何时间完成后,他们有一个剧本和超过1 / 3的大量()他们的资金已经到位。
Producers can apply to the Granting Program any time after they have a finished screenplay and a substantial amount (more than 1/3) of their funding in place.
You can then access that information any time from any place as long as you have access to a computer and the Internet.
You can phone him anytime and he'll phone you back as soon as possible to see how he can help you.
Americans spend the most time out of any other people in the world volunteering in average four hours a week, volunteering outside their job which may also have a social objective more than any other people in the world.
So realize the support structure is now in place and in progress so do just let us know at help@cs50.net if you have questions that can't be addressed during office hours.