女人拒绝呼他也就意味着拒绝了对少年的承认,这不仅使她无法成为“有意义的他者”(significant others),甚至可以说正是由于她拒绝使用正常手段来交流才导致了少年与她刀枪相见。
He added: "I am confident we can find ways for our community to tell us what content is most meaningful, but I believe we must be extremely cautious about becoming arbiters of truth ourselves."
The addict's behavior often doesn't even make sense to him or her anymore, so the addict gives up trying to make sense of it and falls into a lifestyle based fully on addictive ceremony.
"Having our readers vote for a number of the awards has been fascinating," he said. "they are the ones out there on the street buying gadgets and so they are a great barometer."