有理数是整数(正整数、0、负整数)和分数的统称,是整数和分数的集合。 整数也可看做是分母为一的分数。不是有理数的实数称为无理数,即无理数的小数部分是无限不循环的数。是“数与代数”领域中的重要内容之一,在现实生活中有广泛的应用,是继续学习实数、代数式、方程、不等式、直角坐标系、函数、统计等数学内容以及相关学科知识的基础。 有理数集可以用大写黑正体符号Q代表。但Q并不表示有理数,有理数集与有理数是两个不同的概念。有理数集是元素为全体有理数的集合,而有理数则为有理数集中的所有元素。
... Estimation估算 Rational numbers有理数 Sequences and series数列及其和 ...
... consecutive E number 连续整数 rational l number 有理数 irrational l number 无理数 ...
有理数式 rational expression
有理数域 Rational Field ; [数] region of rationality ; [数] rational number field
二进有理数 dyadic rational
未确知有理数 unascertained rational
用有理数形式表示矩阵 rat
有理数集 rational numbers set ; the set of rational numbers ; rationual number assemblage ; the set of all rational numbers
有理函数 [数] rational function ; gebrochenrationale Funktion rational function ; rational functions
有理数谐波锁模 RHML ; rational harmonic mode-locked ; Rational harmonic mode locking
In the rational class, then, four operations have been defined for rational Numbers.
Rational ratio conversion can be realized by integer and fraction ratio conversion.
They're irrational numbers and these irrational numbers like to move to rational numbers; they like to move to consonances; they like to move to intervals that are based on things such as two to one and three to two or maybe four to three.
And that idea was, we make a guess in the middle, we test it so this is kind of a guess and check, and if the answer was too big, then we knew that we should be looking over here. If it was too small, we knew we should be looking over here, and then we would repeat.