破布松散机 rag thrasher
蔗渣松散机 bagasse bale loosening machine
榨饼松散机 [油脂] cake tearing machine
松散机搅拌轴 hogknife
振动松散机理 vibrating loosening principle
松散材料撒布机 bulk distributor
泊松散布随机数产生器 poissrnd
泊松散布随机数发作器 poissrnd
However, you need it to ensure a clean interface and achieve a looser coupling with the remote clients.
The computing infrastructure of the future, they pronounced, would be a highly distributed and loosely connected collection of personal computers and client-server systems.
Because this is a loosely coupled scenario, you must assume that the client doesn't know how many XML data items are contained in the service profile (that is, the code in Listing 1).