板球世界杯(ICC Cricket World Cup)是国际板球理事会举办的一天单局板球比赛。 该项比赛是世界上最多人观赏体育运动之一,是仅次于FIFA世界杯(FIFA World Cup)、奥运会(Olympic Games)、橄榄球世界杯(Rugby World Cup)的全球第四大赛事。 第一届板球世界杯是在1975年在英格兰举办。
2015新西兰秋季活动亮点包括: 2015板球世界杯(ICC Cricket World Cup 2015):2015年2月14日至3月24日 2015年板球世界杯在新西兰举办,来自全球的选手与体育迷们将会来到地球上最富运动热情的国度...
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And finally, two of the most fancy teams in the Cricket World Cup now being played in South Asia, India and England, have tied in their latest match.
Sri Lanka was crowned the world cricket champions when it won the 1996 cricket world Cup final against Australia held in Lahore, Pakistan.
In March the Irish cricketer took a crucial catch that gave his team the victory in a World Cup match and eliminated the higher-ranked Zimbabwe.