DR 5000氧化还原电位控制器是与DP5000功能类似,但是,它是旨在控制的氧化和还原剂计量泵。
The DR5000 ORP Controller is very similar to the DP5000 described above, however, it is designed to control LMI Metering Pumps for the addition of oxidizing and reducing agents.
这意味着甘氨酸的氧化,确能为小麦幼苗细胞质中NO_3 ~ -还原提供还原剂和为根系NO_3 ~ -吸收提供能量。
It was suggested that oxygenation of glycine provided indeed reductant for NO_3 ~ - reduction in cytoplasms and energy for NO_3 ~ - uptake by roots of wheat seedling.
This macromolecular metalloporphyrin was used as the catalyst for the first time for cyclohexane oxidation to cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone with air in the absence of additives or solvents.