Dehydrated fruits such as raisins, dates and dried cranberries keep well in plastic bags. Tuck a bag of raisins in your purse or bag for an easy snack.
早餐我有几种选择,燕麦片或格兰诺拉麦片,加上奶粉,干燥的水果或者脱水的鸡蛋。 听很多人说起脱水食物很难吃,不过我感觉还好。
For breakfast I have a choice of oatmeal or granola with milk(powdered) and dried fruit or dehydrated eggs which are actually reallygood.
The yield of dried fruit from a dehydrator is higher inasmuch as sugar is lost due to continued respiration of tissues during sun drying, and also due to fermentation.