此项琢磨告诉的主笔、 波士顿哈佛医学院 ( Harvard Medicnos School )的药理学副教受珍妮·达菲(Jea fantcompared toticne F.
Gunderson and colleagues studied 940 women taking part in a study of prenatal and postnatal health at Harvard Medical School in Boston.
"Haemagglutinin's a decoy," says Wayne Marasco, an immunologist at Harvard Medical School in Boston. "Those globular heads can undergo many mutations without the virus suffering any ill effects."
你大脑在睡眠中产生的‘睡眠梭形波’越多,你越有可能一直保持睡眠状态,就算被噪音包围也一样。” 波士顿哈佛医学院的杰夫•艾伦伯格说。
The more sleep spindles your brain produces, the more likely you'll stay asleep, even when confronted with noise, " said Jeffrey Ellenbogen of Harvard Medical School in Boston.