7.流浸膏(liquid extract) 是生药材的浸出液,经浓缩调整其浓度至规定标准后的液体制剂。一般每ml应与原生药1g相当,如益母草流浸膏。
... 流体;fluid 流浸膏;liquid extract;fluid extract 吡氟禾草灵;稳杀得;(R)-2-(4-(5-三氟甲基-2-吡啶氧基)苯氧基)丙酸丁酯;fluaz…… ...
... Extractum Glycyrrhizae 甘草浸膏 extractum liquidum 流浸膏 extractum absinthi 苦艾浸膏 ...
流浸膏剂 Fliud extracts ; fluid extracts ; liquid extract
颠茄流浸膏 belladonna liquid extract ; ExtractumBelladonnaeLiquidum ; belladonna
甘草流浸膏 Extractum Glycyrrhizae Liquidum ; Licorice root extract ; licorice root extract,glycyrrhize extract ; Glycyrrhiza Liquid Extract
麦角流浸膏 ergot fluid extract ; extractum ergotae liquidum ; Ergot ; Liquid extract of ergot
吐根流浸膏 fluid ipecac extract ; Liquid extract of ipecacuanha
远志流浸膏 Extractum Polygalae Liquidum
桔梗流浸膏 Extractum Platycodi Liquidum ; balloon flower Extract Liquid
大黄流浸膏 Extractum Rhei Liquidum ; Liquid extract of rhubarb
麦芽流浸膏 Malt Liquid Extract
Radix ginseng was prepared for liquidum by adding 75% alcohol and refluxing and extracting. Processing Squama manis was crushed to powder.
Trial conclusion proved XJG had various degree of suppressive action on every sections of VZV duplication. trial result is helpful to treating of VZV duplication. Maybe this Trial result is help…
Both liquid extract and tincture contain alcohol, but the effective component of the former is higher than that of the latter, so it has less side-effect.