“海上丝绸之路”是个多义词,它可以指海上丝绸之路(纪录片), 海上丝绸之路(海上贸易通道)。
21世纪海上丝绸之路 21st Century Maritime Silk Road ; the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road ; 21st-century Maritime Silk Road; Maritime Silk Road of the 21st century ; st Century Maritime Silk Road
共建21世纪海上丝绸之路 work together towards building the Maritime Silk Road of the 21st century
建设21世纪海上丝绸之路 “Building the Maritime Silk Road of the 21st Century”
中国-东盟海上丝绸之路奖学金 “China-ASEAN maritime silk road scholarships”
世纪海上丝绸之路 st Century Maritime Silk Road
古代海上丝绸之路 ancient maritime silk route
海上丝绸之路研究 maritime silk route study
华南古代海上丝绸之路 The maritime silk route of ancient South China
上海丝绸之路大饭店 The silk road Grand Hotel