海洋哺乳动物科学 Marine Mammal Science
海洋哺乳动物教练 marine mammal trainer
海洋哺乳动物保护法案 Marine Mammal Protection Act
海洋哺乳动物生物学 [海洋] biology of marine mammals
海军海洋哺乳动物计划 NMMP
海洋哺乳动物保护 Marine mammal conservation
海洋哺乳动物规例 Marine Mammal Regulations
海洋哺乳动物学会 Marine Mammal Committee
Humans first settled in the Arctic a mere 4,500 years ago, surviving by exploiting sea mammals and fish.
The coastal hypothesis suggests an economy based on marine mammal hunting, saltwater fishing gathering, and the use of watercraft.
The coastal hypothesis suggests an economy based on marine mammal hunting, saltwater fishing, shellfish gathering, and the use of watercraft.