...]云连;水分测定;灰分测定;浸出物测定 [gap=1016]Key words〕rhizoma of Coptis;moisture determination;ashes determination;extract determinationJOURNAL OF DALI UNIVERSITYVol.10 No.12 Dec.2011321.2试药试剂均为..
行 中文名称: 动植物油脂 灰分测定 英文名称: Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of ash 标准组织: 【GB】中国国家标准 正文语种: 中文 国标分类: 【X14】油脂加工与制品 原版报价: 人民币 10.00 ICS分类...
废 中文名称: 肉与肉制品 灰分测定 英文名称: Meat and meat products-- Method for determination of ash 标准组织: 【GB】中国国家标准 正文语种: 中文 国标分类: 【X22】肉类加工制品 原版报价: ICS分类: 【67.120.10】 基于3个...
总灰分测定 Determination of total ash content ; determination of total ash ; tea-determination of total ash content
灰分测定仪 Ash Content Testing System
酸不溶性灰分测定 Determination of acid-insoluble ash content
灰分测定法 Methods for determination of ash
木质素灰分测定 Determining the Ash of Lignin
食用菌灰分测定 determination of ash in edible fungi
淀粉灰分测定方法 method for determination of ash in starches
褐煤蜡灰分测定方法 lignite wax determination of ash content
聚酰胺灰分测定方法 polyamides determination of ash
As material , adopt routine method determine half ripe Co cos nucifer L thick ash content , calcium , total content of phosphorus of peel wi th half ripe Cocos nucifer L peel.
In the paper, an ashing method was improved to characterize the degree of carboxymethyl substitution of carboxymethyl chitosan.