理想气体(ideal gas) 研究气体性质的一个物理模型。 从微观上看,理想气体的分子有质量,无体积,是质点;每个分子在气体中的运动是独立的,与其他分子无相互作用,碰到容器器壁之前作匀速直线运动;理想气体分子只与器壁发生碰撞,碰撞过程中气体分子在单位时间里施加于器壁单位面积冲量的统计平均值,宏观上表现为气体的压强。 从宏观上看.理想气体是一种无限稀薄的气体,它遵从理想气体状态方程和焦耳内能定律。
...状态方程单位高三物理题 关于理想气体状态方程的问题 高三 定义严格遵从气态方程(PV=(mM)RT=nRT)的气体,叫做理想气体(Ideal gas有理想气体状态方程(也称理想气体定律、克拉佩龙方程)是描述理想气体在处于平衡态时,压强、体积、物质的量在公式的推导过程中,求速...
理想气体(ideal gases)和分子运动论(kinetic theory of gases) 理想气体。普通气体恒量(universal gas constant) 温度和压强的微观解释(microscopic interpretation)。 .
理想气体(perfect gas or ideal gas)的基本假设 一、理想气体 的基本假设 分子为不占体积的弹性质点 除碰撞外分子间无作用力
理想气体状态方程 ideal gas law ; The Ideal-Gas Equation ; state equation of ideal gas ; ideal gas state equation
理想气体定律 [物] ideal gas law ; law of ideal gases ; law of perfect gas
理想气体温标 ideal gas temperature scale ; [热] ideal gas thermometric scale ; perfect gas scale ; Ideal Gas Scale of Temperature
非理想气体 [流] imperfect gas ; Nonideal gases
理想气体方程 ideal gas equation
理想气体的绝热指数 adiabatic index of ideal gases
理想气体的微观模型 micro-model of ideal gas
理想气体方程式 The ideal-gas equation ; ideal gas equation ; Ideal Gas Law ; Equation of Ideal Gas
理想气体常数 ideal gas constant ; [物] perfect gas constant
The temperature scale that turns out to be well—defined and ends up giving us the concept of an absolute zero is the ideal gas thermometer.
The ideal gas law may turn out to be a very good approximation.
OK, this is only true for an ideal gas, and we went through that mathematically where the, with a chain rule.
Let's try it with a different equation of state, that isn't quite as simple as the ideal gas case.
The last time you saw that for an ideal gas, the energy only cared about the temperature.