代表瑞士电气行业巨头 ABB 的一个市民被囚禁在利比亚监狱。
One of its citizens, who represents a Swiss engineering giant, ABB, is still stuck in a Libyan jail.
它是瑞士电力和自动化巨头 ABB 公司的产品,ABB 公司本月初在汉诺威贸易展上推出了这款产品。
It's a creation of ABB, the Swiss power and automation giant, which introduced it early this month at the Hannover trade show.
瑞士一家大型工业 ABB 的老板最近代表很多主管们谈到了我们有生之年都不会再见到的机会。
The boss of ABB, a big Swiss industrial spoke for many executives when he recently talked of opportunities we may never see again in our lifetime.