Another benefit of user profiles is that they provide a way to group LPEX editor customizations.
如果您已经决定使用Guice 1.0,用户指南中有这种旧方法的文档,而且在本文随附的示例代码中,您可以找到一个自定义provider。
If you've decided to use Guice 1.0, the user's guide has documentation on the old way, and the sample code supplied with this article has a custom provider you can look at.
必须实现 UserRegistry 接口中已废弃的 getUsersForGroup() 方法,用户注册中心人员解析插件才能完全支持自定义注册中心。
The deprecated getUsersForGroup() method of the UserRegistry interface must be implemented for custom registries in order to be fully supported by the user registry staff resolution plug-in.