电子或电器装置、设备中的一种部件,用做导电介质(固体、气体、真空或电解质溶液)中输入或导出电流的两个端。输入电流的一极叫阳极或正极,放出电流的一极叫阴极或负极。电极有各种类型,如阴极、阳极、焊接电极、电炉电极等。 在电池中电极一般指与电解质溶液发生氧化还原反应的位置。电极有正负之分,一般正极为阴极,获得电子,发生还原反应,负极则为阳极,失去电子发生氧化反应。电极可以是金属或非金属,只要能够与电解质溶液交换电子,即成为电极。
... elec配对头像系列非主流tric polarity电极 electric pole电极 electric potential电位,电势 ...
...装置形式 电极 剖面。 [gap=3246]ds: multi – electrode resistivity survey , resistivity , serial switch , array , pole , section ...
... rheopexy 震凝性;抗流变体;流凝性触变性,摇凝性... rheophore 电极... rheoscope n.检电器检电器,验电器...
玻璃电极 [电] glass electrode ; glass circle ; high temperature pH Glass Electrode ; glass
参比电极 [电] reference electrode ; Compared electrode ; Ref
离子选择性电极 Ion selective electrode ; ISE ; Ion Sensitive Electrode ; ISE-Ionselective electrode
标准电极电势 [物化] standard electrode potential ; standard electrode EMF ; standard potential ; V
集电极 [电子] collector ; collector electrode ; collecting electrode ; color collector
电极化率 [物] electric susceptibility ; susceptiveness ; susceptibility electric ; polarizability
标准电极 master graphite ; [物化] standard electrode ; [物化] normal electrode
工作电极 [化学] working electrode ; WE ; [电] Work electrode
悬汞电极 Hanging mercury drop electrode ; hanging mercury electrode ; HMDE ; hanging drop mercury electrode
chitosan modified electrode by electrostatic interactions.
参考来源 - 多酸基复合修饰电极的制备及其电催化和光电催化性能研究The zinc electrode also has problems as dendrite,shape change,self-corrosion and passivation.
参考来源 - 碱性锌/空气电池阳极(锌电极)材料研究进展The as-synthesized porous ZnCo2O4 nanowires have been applied as anode materials of Li-ion batteries, which show superior capacity and cycling performance.
参考来源 - 利用草酸盐模板制备金属与氧化物纳米线及其应用·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress