不留心的 heedless ; listless ; unmindful ; forgetful
留心的专心的 attentive
我会留心的 I'll see to it
深切留心的 heedful
记忆留心的夜晚 Memory of the night carefully ; Memories of the night watch ; Memory care night
我会留心的. I'll see to it
留心的状态 heedfulness
保留的心意 arriere-pensee
留住心中的月亮 Keeping the Moon ; Keep in mind the moon ; Keep heart Moon
He first learned to fish under the watchful eye of his grandmother.
Your brain finds peace in mindful meditation, and that produces rejuvenation.
These are the profiles that need your attention consistently; keep them free of spam and outdated information.
I find this interesting because it calls to mind some of the problems we had with the subprime crisis.
He's willing to acknowledge that there's always something of me in my interpretation, but it's a good something because after all I am mindful of the horizon of otherness.
Some of those differences in cells are obvious if you look at the cells in an adult organism.