在结晶过程中没有石墨析出,断口呈银白色的一类铸铁,简称白口铁。组织中含有较多的游离渗碳体,具有很高的硬度(一般在HB500以上),但性脆,多用作抗磨 损零件,如农具、磨球、磨煤机零件、抛丸机叶片、泥浆泵零件、铸砂管以及冷硬轧辊的外表层等。
下一页 一、分类 根据碳的存在形式和石墨的形态不同 白口铸铁(White cast iron):C主要以Fe3C形式出现的铸铁,断口呈银白色。性能:又硬又脆,不能进行切削加工,所以在机器零件中很少采用。
含锰白口铸铁 manganiferous white cast iron
高效抗磨白口铸铁 unique wear-resistant white cast iron ; resistant white cast iron
亚共晶白口铸铁 Hypoeutectic White Cast Iron ; hypoeutectoid cast iron ; hypoeutectic white iron
共晶白口铸铁 Eutectic White Cast Iron ; Hypereutectic white cast iron
高铬白口铸铁 high chromium white cast iron ; h ighch rom iumw h iteca stiro
合金白口铸铁 Alloyed white cast iron ; alloying white cast-iron ; white cast alloy iron
抗磨白口铸铁件 Abrasion-resistant white iron castings
The microstructure and mechanical properties of a new type wear-resistant white cast iron with the boride as wear-resistant phase were investigated.
The result shows that the abrasion capability of Ct-white cast iron has compact relations with its composition and microstructure.
The corrosion wear resistance of low chromium white cast iron increases when the silicon content increases in it.