...态颗粒状物质,根据空气动力学直径的大小,大气颗粒物 中空气动力学直径小于或等于10/am的可吸入颗粒物(InhalableParticulate,IP)为PMloo尤其是空 气动力学直径小于等于2.5岬的细粒PM2.s是当今研究的热点。
Some research achievements have indicted already: inhalable particulates in the atmosphere have important influence on human health and ecological environment.
In 2004, levels of airborne particulate in Beijing were more than six times as high as in New York, and sulfur-dioxide levels were more than double, according to Chinese and U.S. government figures.
该报告称,2006年北京空气中的可吸入颗粒物平均含量是世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)建议水平的三倍。
The U. N. report found that the average level of small particulate matter in Beijing's air in 2006 was three times as high as the level recommended by the World Health Organization.