硫酸铜(cupric sulfate),无机化合物,化学式CuSO4。为白色或灰白色粉末。水溶液呈弱酸性,显蓝色。但从水溶液中结晶时,生成蓝色的五水硫酸铜(CuSO4·5H2O,又称胆矾),此原理可用于检验水的存在。受热失去结晶水后分解,在常温常压下很稳定,不潮解,在干燥空气中会逐渐风化。 硫酸铜是制备其他含铜化合物的重要原料。同石灰乳混合可得波尔多液,用作杀菌剂。也用于电解精炼铜时的电解液。
n. bluestone
misc. copper sulfate ; cupric sulfate ; blue vitriol ; cuprum sulfuricum
硫酸铜脱除砷、铁的工艺研究 - 中南大学学报(自然科学版、英文版) 关键字: 硫酸铜;砷;铁;脱除[gap=891]Key words: copper sulfate; arsenic; iron; removing
从含铜电镀污泥中回收铜和铁的工艺研究 关键词:含铜电镀污泥;N902;硫酸铜;氧化铁红 [gap=1310]Key words:copper—contained electroplating sludge;N902;copper sulphate;iron oxide red
(四) 硫酸铜(cupric sulfate):主要在于处理藻类及丝藻等,对于寄生虫及水霉菌的处理也有相当的功效,但是因硫酸铜含有重金属铜离子会抑制鱼类的酵素系统及残留...
...用 一些方法(如 一些方法( 蒸馏、过滤、 蒸馏、过滤、 蒸发等) 蒸发等)分离 出各组成物质。 出各组成物质。 水合硫酸铜(CuSO 5H 1、水合硫酸铜(CuSO45H2O) 是纯净物还是混合物? 是纯净物还是混合物?
无水硫酸铜 Cupric sulfate ; Cupric Sulphate Anhydrous ; copper sulfate anhydrate
水硫酸铜 brochantite
碱式硫酸铜 copper sulfate basic ; Basic Chrome Sulphate ; Basic Copper Sulfate ; I do not care
五水硫酸铜 Copper sulfate pentahydrate ; blue vitriol ; [无化] Cupric Sulfate Pentahydrate ; Copper sulfate
硫酸铜电镀 acid copper solution
天然硫酸铜 bluestone
硫酸铜电极 copper sulfate eletrode
五水合硫酸铜 Copper sulfate pentahydrate ; Copper sulfate pentahyd ; Copper sulfate ; Co
结晶硫酸铜 Copper sulfate pentahyd ; Co
The four parameters, which consist of pH value of the plating bath and concentrations and of the copper sulfate solution, potassium sodium tartrate solution and formaldehyde solution, are optimized with the plating rate taken as the assessment indicator.
参考来源 - 环保型三价铬电镀实验研究The results proved that using solar energy to drying crystal copper sulphate is feasible.
参考来源 - 太阳能干燥含水结晶硫酸铜技术的研究The activated nanometer-sized cupric oxide was prepared by precipitation transformation method. During this reaction,cupric sulfate was the material and the quantitative assistants were dropped.
参考来源 - 活性纳米氧化铜的制备The calcium exist in copper salphate is only about 0.005% while the rate of crystallization is controlled at 75~78%.
参考来源 - 基于相图的无机盐相分离技术High-quality copper could be prepared by electrodeposition of copper sulfate solution.
参考来源 - 电子废弃物的预处理以及铜的电积制备Sugar and CuSO_4 can active the PPO activity, Na_2SO_3 and ascorbic acid can inhibit it.
参考来源 - 橄榄[Canarium album(Lour.)Raeusch]果实若干生理生化指标的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The antiseptic properties of copper sulphate have never been questioned.
Methylmercury was extracted from the homogenized tissue with toluene in the presence of copper sulfate, sodium bromide and sulfuric acid.