... dynamic coercive force 动态矫顽磁力 intrinsic coercive force 本质性矫顽磁力; 本质载子浓度; 内禀矫顽力 magnetic coercive force 磁矫顽力 ...
通过分析磁矫顽力与淬硬层深度之间的关系,试制了一种电磁无损检测仪(DWY - 1)。
The relationship between hardness depth and magnetic coercive force was studied. Based on this relationship we develop a new type of electromagnetic nondestructive measurement instrument (DWY - 1).
Metal magnetic powder with fine particles and relative higher coercivity and remanence are ideal materials for high density magnetic recording.
At present, most coercivity measurement devices designed by national or international criterion are used for soft magnetic samples.