... An empty street 空无一人的街道 An empty house 空无一人的房间 A hole inside my heart 我的心中深处有一个痛 ...
你是否有过这样的经历? 突然听到一首歌,但根本没人在演奏;眼前清楚浮现某人的脸,实际上他根本不在那儿;甚或感觉某人的存在,转身却发现房间空无一人?
Have you ever heard a song when none was playing, clearly seen someone’s face when no one was there or felt the presence of a person, only to turn around to an empty room?
The lowermost room was as untenanted as before, but the door leading to the stone passageway was shut.
The room was dimly lit, with tables and chairs around the outer perimeter, several pool tables on one side, and an empty dance floor in the middle.