米酒,又叫酒酿,甜酒。旧时叫“醴”。用糯米酿制,是汉族传统的特产酒。 主要原料是江米,所以也叫江米酒。酒酿在北方一般称它为“米酒”或“甜酒”。用蒸熟的江米(糯米)拌上酒酵(一种特殊的微生物酵母)发酵而成的一种甜米酒。其酿制工艺简单,口味香甜醇美。含酒精量极低,因此深受人们的喜爱。我国用优质糙糯米酿酒,已有千年以上的悠久历史。米酒已成为农家日常饮用的饮料。现代米酒多采用工厂化生产。
无标题文档 关键词 :红曲霉; 米酒; 洛伐他汀[gap=507]Key words :Monascus rubber;rice wine;lovastatin
小米酒 Millet Wine ; rice wine
日本米酒 sake ; Japanese Rice Wine ; Ossa sake
米酒鱼卷 fish rolls with rice wine ; rice wine fish roll
玉米酒糟 DDGS ; Corn distillers
玉米酒糟粕 DDGS ; GGDS ; distillers dried grains with soluble ; Corn liquor dregs
糯米酒 glutinous rice wine ; sticky rice wine ; wine sticky rice
玉米酒精糟 DDGS ; Mealies alcohol grains
干玉米酒糟 DDGS
那欧米酒店 Naumi Hotel
Clarified and stable liquor was obtained. ③As for 35% Momordica charantia liquor, the optimal flavorings and its quantity were: citric acid 0.1%, cane sugar 4%, glycerine 0.1%,β-Cyclodextrin 0.1%, rice wine flavor 0.1%.
参考来源 - 苦瓜酒生产工艺研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
It is said that the kipper made on the day of the Cold Dew with accessory foods such as rice wine, salt, glutinous rice, and ginger are especially delicious.
She survived by herding pigs and selling rice liquor on the streets.
Others, like the Guardian’s Howard Marks, slurp it down with a glass of rice wine.