n. glycolipid
...ing neuropeptide),葡萄糖氨基葡聚糖(glycosaminoglycan0;及中性脂(neutral lipids),磷脂(phospholipids)和糖脂(glycolipids),其主要脂的脂肪酸为C18:0与C20:2。 【药理作用】 1.
鞘糖脂 Glycosphingolipid ; glycosylsphingolipid ; GSL
蔗糖脂肪酸酯 Sucrose fatty acid ester ; Sucrose esters of fatty acids ; Sucrose Fat ; Sucrose Fatty Acid Esters
糖脂转移蛋白 GLTP
糖脂抗体 glycolipid
半乳糖脂 [生化] galactolipid ; cereboside
阿魏酸木糖脂 xylose ferulaic ester
鼠李糖脂 Rhamnolipid ; Pseudomonas aeruginosa
抗糖脂抗体 AGA
墨角藻糖脂类 fucolipid
Abnormal sexual hormone maybe involve in glycolipid metabolic disorders.4.
参考来源 - 男性2型糖尿病合并高血压病患者血清性激素水平变化及临床意义Glycans of glycoconjugate such as glycoprotein and glycolipid of cell surface participate in specific biology information transmission. Le~Y glycan of cell surface sustaining highly expressed on uterine endometrium and blastocyst during implantation.
参考来源 - Lewis~Y聚糖、LIF、β1,4·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Objective to study the effects of glucose and lipid metabolism on gallstone formation.
In some plants, glycolipid constitute the major polar lipids in ceil membranes.
Flour baking quality is positively correlated to the content of polar lipids, particularly glycolipids.
Doesn't it make sense then that being sedentary and seeking out high fat, high sugar, high calorie foods has become a priority woven into our biology?
They're the ones who would seek out high fat, high sugar diets because then they would get calories to seek out a variety of food, to eat in--eat above what immediate hunger might dictate.
Because if you were unfettered by all those environmental things that make people eat different kinds of foods, most of you would probably like the high fat, high sugar foods better; most of you probably still do.