纯 拼音:chún 注音:ㄔㄨㄣˊ 田字格中的“纯”字 简体部首:纟 部外笔画:4 总笔画:7 五笔86&98:XGBN 仓颉:VMPU 郑码:ZHZI 笔顺编号:5511525 四角号码:25117 Unicode:CJK 统一汉字 U+7EAF
然而,目前业界对传送 IP 的最优技术仍是一个争论的热点,对于宽带网的核心交换技术是基于 ATM 还是纯 IP(Pure IP),在 IP 与 DWDM 之间是否需要 ATM 和 SDH 中间层等问题众说纷纭。
关 键 词 : 过 敏 原 ; 纯 化 ; 豚 鼠 动 物 模 型 ; 特 异 性 IgE [gap=1194]Keywords:allergen;purification;guineapigmodel;sIgE
...纯 度 ;高 效 液 相 色 谱 法 [gap=1154]owurtzitane ( TA IW ) ; tetraacetyl2dibenzyl2hexaaza2isowurtzitane ( TADB IW ) ; purity; high per2 ...
纯粹理性批判 Critique of Pure Reason; Kritik der reinen Vernunft ; Critique of Pure Reason ; Kritik der reinen Vernunft ; Gmmanucl Rant
纯种马 thoroughbred ; Bloodstock ; blood horse ; purebred
纯粹经济学要义 Elements of Pure Economics ; Elements of Pure Economics; Éléments d'économie politique pure ; The mere economics to iustice
纯粹认识的逻辑 The Logic of Pure Knowledge ; The Logic of Pure Knowledge; Logik der reinen Erkenntnis
纯白 pure white ; crisp-white ; White ; permanent white
纯音 [声] pure tone ; [声] Simple tone ; Tone
张纯如 Iris Chang ; Chang Iris ; Iris Shun-Ru Chang
纯利 [会计] net profit ; net income ; pure interest ; NET P NET PROCEEDS
纯陀 Cunda
"Aromatherapy oils" are not pure essential oils but dilutions.
Purity, which is the absence of impurity, is a prerequisite for access to the holy or for holy status.
It works its magic, again, through purely instrumental means, so we can't really call those songs, and this puzzled me.
Other cultures focused more on an ethics of divinity where notions such as purity, sanctity, pollution and sin are relevant.