让路给 make way for ; give way to ; make room for ; to give way to
让路给小鸭子 Make Way For Ducklings ; make way for duckling
给我让路 Give Me Road
快给大忙人让路 Largo al factotum
快给忙人让路 Largo al factotum
让路给小鸭 Making Way for Ducklings ; Make way for ducklings
给小鸭子让路 Make Way for Ducklings
给某人让路 get out of sb's road
闪开给某人让路 skip out of sb's way
He liked to hear the bugles sounding down the long corridors, and the distant voices responding, "Way for the King!"
Did I see him make way for a squirrel or were my eyes playing tricks on me?
Also, people who come in early maybe should try to sit in the middle part of the classroom, so the latecomers can come in without too much disruption.