绿色低碳发展道路 the path of green and low-carbon development
全社会绿色低碳发展意识 public awareness of green and low-carbon development
绿色低碳循环发展产业体系 an economic structure conducive to green; low-carbon and circular development ; an economic structure conducive to a green; low-carbon and circular economy ; industrial system geared toward green; low-carbon; and circular development
绿色循环低碳发展 green;circular;and low-carbon development
绿色循环低碳发展道路 green;circular;and low-carbon development
绿色低碳可持续发展 green; low-carbon and sustainable development
In essence, low-carbon economy is efficient usage of energy, development of clean energy and pursuit of green development.
We will vigorously develop green insurance, serve two types of society, and promote low-carbon green production and lifestyle.