苹果干,即苹果脆片,是在真空状态或负压状态下,通过油炸或其他的方 法,将苹果内的水分蒸发掉,外形及颜色不发生变化,从而得到含水在5% 左右的制品。它不含色素,无防腐剂,富含纤维, 是纯天然的休闲食品。
行 中文名称: 苹果干.规范和试验方法 英文名称: Dried apples -- Specification and test methods 标准组织: 【ISO】国际标准化组织标准 正文语种: 英法双语 国标分类: 【
果干 中文名: 苹果干 英文名: Apple dry 主要食材: 苹果 特点: 色泽美观,苹果香味纯正,口感柔绵细嫩 分类: 果蔬 口味: 口感柔绵细嫩 英文名字:Apple dry苹果干配 料
苹果干细胞 PhytoCellTec Malus Domestica ; Apple Stem cell ; PhytoCellTec ; Malus Domestica
脱水苹果干 dehydrated apple ring
脱水苹果干碎片 dehydrated apple ring chip
苹果脯/苹果干 dried apple
苹果干腐病 Apple Botryosphaeria canker ; Botryosphaeria dothidea
苹果干腐病菌 Botryolsphaeria dothidea ; Botryosphaeria ribis
苹果脯╱苹果干 dried apple
苹果干细胞的好处 Benefits Apple Stem Cell
Some apples aren't in boxes at all, but are rather all tied up in festive pink and purple cellophane.
Though the study used dried apples for convenience, Arjmandi says fresh are likely to be even better.
Apple does not have access to individual location data in that file, the company says, but many users were concerned that it even existed.