药店是指零售药品的门市。中医史上第一家官办的药店诞生于宋神宗熙宁九年(公元1076年),是大名鼎鼎的改革家王安石批准创建的。 当时,王安石基于变法派内部分裂,爱子王雯英年早逝,尤其是自己久病缠身,决定辞职而归隐山林。临别政坛,他命人在首都开封创设一家“太医局熟药所”,也叫“买药所”,可以说,它就是现代中药店的前身。药店对联:“药灵只在症能对。人健何妨吾亦闲。”(《载敬堂集·江南靖士联稿·药店》)随着年代的延伸,社会分工的细化,制药和卖药渐渐分离,从而出现了现代意义上的药店,专以卖药为业。
n. drugstore
misc. the chemist's shop ; medicamentarius
秘密就藏在公司的名称里:这是一家特色在家庭护理(Homecare)方面的药店(Pharmacy),家居改善(home modification)是其独树一帜的业务。
论基于顾客需求的药店服务设计(1)(临床医药) 关键词:药店;顾客需求;药学服务;服务设计 [gap=545]KEY WORDS: Drugstore ; Consumers demands; Pharmaceutical service; Service design
疯狂药店 Drugstore Mania
美国连锁药店协会 NACDS
美好药店 Glamorous Pharmacy ; Fantastic Pharmacy ; Glorious Pharmacy
松药店的儿子们 Sol Original Sound Track ; My Too Perfect Sons ; Sol
中药店 Chinese medicine shops ; traditional Chinese medicines shop ; In pharmacy ; Pharmacies in
日本连锁药店协会 JACDS
在药店 At the Pharmacy ; at the chemist's ; In the Drugstore
网上药店 Online Pharmacies ; Online drug store ; online pharmacy ; liangxinyao
连锁药店 Walgreens ; Chain Drugstore ; medicine retailing chain
Therefore it is necessary to study the service quality of pharmacy in China.
参考来源 - 提高我国药店服务质量对策研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Before you rush to the pharmacy to buy sleep medications, try natural sleep therapies.
I can take an insulated box, and I can have a chemical reaction in that insulated box.
The amount of food available is striking, I mean in the period of time I was--since I was a child there are a lot of changes that have occurred, and I mentioned some of this in the last class-- but when I was a child you didn't have rows and rows of food at a drugstore.