vt. certificate
... Education(毕业学校/时间/专业) CERTIFICATES 证 书 情 况 Certificates Type (证书名称) Seaman’ s Seaman’ s Book(海员证) Record Book(服务簿) ...
...华论文中心 化工具中的抵押担保 证券(Mortgage Backed Securities, MBS)和担保 债务凭证(Collateral Debt Obligations, CDO)是三种市场份额最大的交易工具。
三证合一 the three-in-one reform by integrating the business license; certificate of organization codes and certificate of taxation registration ; to integrate the business license; the organization code certificate; and the certificate of taxation registration into one certificate/document ; three-in-one certificate ; to integrate the business license, the certificate of organization codes, and the certificate of taxation registration into one certificate
信用证 [金融] letter of credit ; credit card ; applicant for the credit ; LC
资产证券化 securitization of tangible assets ; securitization of assets; securitization of credit assets ; Securitization ; asset securitization
证明 proof; to prove ; certify ; Prove ; demonstrate
证券市场 the securities market ; securities market ; [金融] securities market ; [金融] stock market
居住证制度 a residence certification system ; residence permit/card system ; residence certification system ; residence permit system
证人 [法] Witness ; Beast Stalker ; [法] evidence ; proof
证券交易所 stock exchange ; stock exchange corporation ; [金融] securities exchange ; bourse
否定的辩证法 dialectic of negation; negative dialectics ; Negative Dialectics; Negative Dialektik ; Negative Dialectics ; Negative Dialektik
One of the things that came out and was firmly embodied into law with the advent of the SEC.
In other words, Plato is wrong. The poet is not a liar because he's not talking about anything that's verifiable or falsifiable.
Now if you look at my derivation here, there's one spot where I could have just stopped and proven my point without going through the whole thing.