采,汉语一级字,读作cǎi或cài,最早见于甲骨文,其本义为摘取,选取,即《说文》:“采,捋取也。”后引申为搜集、选择、采纳、取得、颜色、理会等义;也指精神上的活力或生气;神色,神态等。为了分化字义,“采”后来专用以表示神采,摘取之义则另加义符手写作“采”来表示,如今简化仍用“采”;颜色之义则另加义符彡写作“彩”来表示;封地之义则另加义符土或宀写作“埰”或“寀”来表示,如今简化仍用“采”。 (基本信息栏参考资料来源: )
康采恩 concern ; concern; Konzern ; Konzern
郭采洁 Amber Kuo ; I remember ; I Need You ; Little sunshine
政府采购 public procurement ; government procurement
采购员 [贸易] Buyer ; Purchasing Agent ; [贸易] Purchaser ; Purchasing Officer
尼采 Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche ; Nietzsche ; Nietzsche Friedrich Wihelm
采访 Interview ; The Interview ; cover ; A-Nation
采样 [科技] Sampling ; sample ; Oversampling
采埃孚 ZF ; ZF Friedrichshafen ; ZFSS ; ZF Friedrichshafen AG
杨采妮 Charlie Yeung ; Charlie ; yvonne ; CharieYoung
采样率 [自] sampling rate ; OSR ; Sampling frequency
If she had been aware that the mushroom was poisonous, she wouldn't have picked it for dinner.
And then he makes some comments about how,well, ; he could never pick cotton fast enough; he's just not able to do it as black men are.
And when he goes picking in the cotton fields, he imagines that he could be a slave.
Let me say, I am by no means convinced that the idea for the philosopher-king is an impossibility or is intended as a kind of absurdity.