“青蛙”是个多义词,它可以指青蛙(两栖纲无尾目的动物), 青蛙(齐白石画作), 青蛙(网络用语), 青蛙(《青蛙乐队》音乐专辑)。
青蛙王子 The Frog Prince ; The Frog King ; Prince Frog ; King of Frogs ; the frog prince
公主与青蛙 The Princess and the Frog ; Celeb to Binbo ; Jennifer Lewis ; Jen Cody
青蛙过河 Frogger ; Leonard Frog ; Konami Frogger Evolution ; Frogger - Helmet Chaos
王子变青蛙 The Prince Who Turns Into a Frog ; Frog Prince ; Prince Turns to Frog ; discovering relationship
青蛙设计 frog design ; Frog
疯狂青蛙赛车 Crazy Frog Racer
公主和青蛙 The Princess and the Frog ; The Princess ; Down in New Orleans
青蛙城堡 Froggy Castle
疯狂青蛙 Crazy Frog ; axel ; MadFrog ; Crazy Frog - Axel
Also the visual path of frog and the corresponding area of the vision in the brain have been studied.
参考来源 - 青蛙视觉行为的初步研究与计算机模拟·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
He says,"provincials are like mold, burrowing in their little plots, or frogs at the bottom of their puddles, engaged in sordid, trivial rivalries, moved by petty jealousies, avarice and material interests.
Yeah, this is not a bad time for me to remind you that in one of Plato's dialogues, Socrates says the Greeks sit like frogs around a pond and that pond is the Aegean Sea.