You can also put a scarecrow near your front door to give visitors a big surprise!
Here, you can not only taste the champagne from a specially made bottle marked with "France Pavilion at Expo 2010," but also await a big surprise... What is it?
"If we had hit basalt, that would not have been a big surprise," said William Teplow, a consulting geologist at U.S..
The board of directors at General Motors made a surprise decision cancelling the planned sale of Opel, the carmaker's European arm, to Magna, a car-parts supplier, and Sberbank, a big Russian bank.
So it shouldn't come as much of a surprise that I'm a big fan of the 'First Person Shooter' genre.
The deal not only comes as a surprise, it will have a big impact on the mobile industry, too.
"First and foremost, this is a big surprise because we thought we know a lot about this region, the edge of the heliosphere," McComas says.
It can be no surprise then that someone has created a way to track and share details about such a big part of our lives.
I am so happy, it is such a big surprise for me, I miss them so much, because I haven't seen them for a long time.
This may come as a surprise to the "Me Generation," but happiness doesn't come from living in a big house, buying the latest techno-gadget, and getting stamps from exotic locales in your passport.
Hiding yourself in a box wrapped with gift paper can be a big surprise to her when you are holding a ring in your hand and waiting to be unwrapped.
Chen: in 1996, it was a big surprise when the US Air Force introduced the concept of a joint strike fighter.
Life eis no longer a surprise and a blow to the daily flood of big and small, and I regarded them collectively referred to as the encounter.
Give her a surprise in the end we will, a big cake, is we do personally.
On metals, the Japanese have not been doing construction for many years, but now you're going to have a big new buyer, a surprise buyer, of copper, cement and steel because they're going to rebuild.
Hernandez is a very, very good player. I knew him when he was in Mexico but it was a big surprise when he came to England.
If you have never implemented a programme of SEO, then you are in a big surprise.
To my surprise, I saw a lovely squirrel who has a big head and long tail.
Give me a Chance, and you'll have a big surprise.
It is a big surprise that this kind of checked overcoat has become a trend.
This is a big surprise, I have long dreamed of one day to go hiking , but never thought this dream was a dream come true.
With a big smile on the face and a little surprise in the eyes, Zhouzhou welcomed my arrival.
On her return from school, little Dolly, aged ten, was pulled on to her Daddy's knee, and informed that the fairies had that day brought a big surprise-a little baby brother.
But, then Dragon is in for a big surprise when Cat has a litter of kittens!
But, then Dragon is in for a big surprise when Cat has a litter of kittens!