Give me a current issue of Reader's Digest.
There is a current issue that has not been solved smoothly, I hope it will be resolved satisfactorily.
Several current studies are looking at these effects and I really do hope we can find a way to deal with this issue before these ecosystems are adversely affected.
If you buy a bond in the secondarymarket, after the date of issue, the bond'syield, or more precisely its current yield, differs from its interest rate.
A: We are much concerned about the current situation of the Iranian nuclear issue.
In a paper in the current issue of the journal Health Affairs, these experts say approving the surgery for O.C.D. was a mistake - and a potentially costly one.
Much like with the current battery life situation, Apple promised a software update that would fix the issue.
To place a new issue, given the yields demanded by investors, the interest rate payable by borrowers must be 6.85%, a full percentage point higher than current levels.
According to his idea, outlined in the current issue of the journal Astrophysics and Space Science, matter has a positive gravitational charge and antimatter a negative one.
He died with a book newly released, an essay in the current issue of a popular journal, a story to appear shortly in a well-known magazine.
In a rights issue, shareholders are granted the right to buy more shares at a set price, often a discount to the current price.
As he reports in the latest issue of Current Biology, he and his team have worked their magic on a gene called FOXP2 found in Neanderthal remains from northern Spain.
The current issue is that the monetary aggregate (M4) measure of lending to the private sector is at its lowest level in a decade, while inflation is more than double the BOE's target.
The current issue of Neuron features a new study on selective memory erasure.
When boards provide stock-based incentive compensation, they issue a direct instruction to work first and foremost on raising the stock price from the current level.
Newspapers and magazines have reported widely on this case, with, for example, one of the country's leading magazines, Caixin, devoting a cover story to it and an editorial in the current issue.
An article in a forthcoming issue of a peer-reviewed medical journal, Current Opinion in Pediatrics, just posted online, makes this explicit.
Researchers in Germany, using advances in neuroscience, report in the current issue of the journal Cerebral Cortex that the folk belief is true: Running does elicit a flood of endorphins in the brain.
The cover of the current issue of Private Eye, a fortnightly satirical magazine, shows cars ablaze in a London street as marauding, hoodie-wearing youngsters look on.
The current international security environment is complex and fluid. Nuclear proliferation remains a pressing issue and nuclear disarmament a long and arduous task.
So, be sure to have a mechanism in place that will save and copy the current stream.out contents to a new filename (this issue will be discussed more shortly).
因此,一定要通过某种机制把当前的stream . out内容保存并复制到新的文件中(稍后讨论这个问题)。
On December 22, China, the U.S., Russia, Britain, France and Germany held a telephone conference during which they exchanged views on the current situation of the Iranian nuclear issue.
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A study in the July 14 issue of Current Biology suggests it's all in how they ask.
Romero Lankao's studies appear this month in a special issue of Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability and in a synthesis article in an upcoming issue of European Planning Studies.
In the latest issue of the online journal Senses of Cinema, for instance, Petro Alexiou cautiously described the current situation as “a period of renaissance.”
In the latest issue of the online journal Senses of Cinema, for instance, Petro Alexiou cautiously described the current situation as “a period of renaissance.”