We eventually wound up staying in a little hotel a few miles from town.
"This really is a catching rhythm, huh?" he added, with a few little hops.
On the other hand, the Sun was a scanty sheet providing little more than minor diversions; few today would call it a newspaper at all.
Two weeks ago, on a hot summer afternoon, I was about to cross a little busy road when I noticed an old grandpa with a heavy bag on his back just a few meters from me.
We can pay a little on the farm and maybe put a few dollars down on the tractor, too.
Hundreds of occupational surnames are at once familiar to us, or at least recognizable after a little thought: Archer, Carter, Fisher, Mason, Thatcher, Taylor, to name but a few.
In the 1940s, villagers in Shashiyu had little food and few clothes, but they had a strong wish for a better life.
I climbed to the top of a small rise and realised that the mist was little more than a few feet deep, and though it was only a short climb, I found myself completely above it and looking at a wonderfully clear view of Skiddaw with the sun setting in the west.
Then a few days before, the child had begged again, so the mom finally told her little girl, "Well, I'll let you keep a cat if it falls from the sky."
Banksy, the British guerrilla artist, has already sprayed the wall with a few of his ironic creations (my favorite: a little girl in a pink frock frisking an armed soldier).
175 years and a few months ago, a landing party rowed into this little bay.
This will buy you water, maybe a little food, and the silence of a few people on board.
Interestingly, there have been a few "vegetarian Atkins diet" studies published recently, which is a little like putting lipstick on a pork rind...
The result is almost a kind of magic — by following a few simple rules, a J2EE application can automatically gain transactional semantics with little or no additional component code.
Usually Gus would bring his harmonica and, after talking for a little while, they'd play a few songs together.
A few discussions, a few exchanges of ideas and a little tweaking here and there can make the difference between a satisfied client and one who is not!
Outside of a few news reports and a few experts weighing in, little has been written about it.
With a little refinement and experimentation, I expect that a few percent more reduction could be obtained.
After a short walk though, I wandered over to the museum, which is a large, three story building, with a small open air display of a few statues in the building's little garden.
We are going to end up with a little moon-dust and a few stones which will be put behind glass in some museum.
Can't you spare just a few minutes for making your mind and life a little calmer, with less fear and worries?
But there are a few things we may want to consider before going on a spending spree because there's a little change in our pockets.
I took the liberty of calling the Colonel a few days ago and visiting with him a little.
For desserts which require more body, continue beating a few seconds more until the cream is a little bit stiffer and forms soft peaks.
I was telling this story to an interviewer a few years later when he asked, "Don't you feel a little funny?"
It's amazing what a little time and a few billion dollars can do.
There are a few strategies you can use to make bad tasting tasks a little more pleasant.
There are a few strategies you can use to make bad tasting tasks a little more pleasant.