This is a long way off, but it is a laudable dream.
Still, it remains a laudable and positive objective.
A laudable goal for any project is a code base that is easy to refactor.
To please is a laudable and elegant ambition, and is properly rewarded with honest praise. (No. 126)
Admiration, though, while a laudable reaction, is less likely to spur us on than a solid dose of benign envy.
To its fans, it is a laudable effort by a publicly minded company to unlock a treasure trove of hidden knowledge.
To divert interest from the poet to the poetry is a laudable aim: for it would conduce to a juster estimation of actual poetry, good and bad.
Having supposed that there was sense where there is no sense, and a laudable ambition where there is not a laudable ambition , I am well out of my mistake, and no harm is done.
This neurogenesis would seem to be completely laudable, since it occurs mostly in the hippocampus, a portion of the brain associated with memory and thinking.
“My primary goal is to contribute something to society.” This is laudable, but more effectively addressed after you have built a successful company, not before.
The town's stand is laudable but will have only a limited effect on what is, after all, a statewide problem. The Connecticut Legislature rebuffed a proposed statewide ban last year.
Now, as then, requiring Banks to dump their shareholdings altogether-however laudable-would run the risk of turning a bear market into a rout.
His ambition to reopen former trade routes across a peaceful Indian subcontinent is laudable.
Loyalty is rather a very easy word but a very laudable quality that is difficult to keep for a lot many people.
To pay the penalty to a certain extent, to better protect crime victims in the interests of this is that it's laudable in it.
I am employed by a company before the boss of my work is quite laudable ambition, so he is willing to help me to find another level.
The Royal Marsden Cancer charity is Moving Brand's house charity, an on-going relationship that enables us to support their laudable objectives across a range of briefs and projects.
Yang Yinliu was not only a profound, experienced, knowledgeable and summa cum laudable scholar, but also a person who carried on the past and opened a way for future and had deep influence on music.
Commitment to a life of scholarship or research is compatible with many other laudable goals.
投入到做学问或研究的生活,是与许多其他值得称赞的目标相一致的。 这一点是很有启发性的;
These laudable steps in the direction of gender equality had as one side-effect a heightened sense of resentment and competition in many marriages.
These laudable steps in the direction of gender equality had as one side-effect a heightened sense of resentment and competition in many marriages.