The faint arrows, similar to the directional markings on a tactical map, are one of the rare carry-overs from his military world.
Further, many organisms, such as insects, thrive without a map of their external world or even memory; might it be better to try to emulate them?
Earlier, the Babylonians had attempted to map the world, but they presented it in the form of a flattened disc rather than a sphere, which was the form adopted by Ptolemy.
When you can log on to a map of gene expression from anywhere in the world, more people can enter the scientific conversation.
One moment the crust took the form of a shattered windshield, then it coalesced into a jigsaw puzzle, then a ragged map of the world.
On the roadside, labourers are building an elaborate 10m-high steel and concrete map of the world topped by giant red characters declaring: "Construction of a New Airport City for the Capital.
Or is it more like a map of the world being filled in by careful study of non-randomly chosen villages, one at a time?
If lines, called isabnormal, are drawn on a world, joining places of equal thermal anomaly, an isabnormal map is the result.
If lines, called isanomals, are drawn on a world, joining places of equal thermal anomaly, an isanomalous map is the result.
The effects of climate change on different parts of the world is seen visually above in a map produced by a PhD student at McGill University.
Toby Lester's book, The Fourth Part of the World, tells the story of the first map that used the word "America" to describe a land mass east of Europe.
This by the way is the portrait of the world; It looks a lot like my map of the Ancient Near East, but it's not.
Outside of applications that view the world through map and reduce primitives, Hadoop is useful as a means of distributing work among a cluster of machines.
Unfortunately, Placebase is a dataset integrator over maps, not a provider of actual map tiles, of which there are only a few independent ones left in the world.
Barring a new burst of anti-Semitism, the map of world Jewry will change slowly from now on.
Perhaps only when we are in such networks can we construct a meaningful map of the world.
Now, in many parts of the world, when you hire a car, you get a navigation system — a little electronic map on a screen with a machine voice.
So Hashimoto created a very simple video — just a map of the world.
Countries, according to him, spread across this flat world as they appear to do on a map, with Antarctica as a ring of mountains strung around the edge.
Similarly, when you're brain gets consistent input from a real-world sensor, it quickly learns to map that into a sort-of six sense.
It strikes me that the net - particularly the mobile net - is building a dog's map of the world.
On one of the flat screens, Mr. Delaney brings up a world map that lets users zoom into a city just as they would if hunting for directions online.
How about a map showing the distribution of the dark honey fungus, whose underground filament network spans thousands of acres and might make it the largest organism in the world?
The soon-to-be launched upgrade of the Web site offers a map of the world with dots showing where the most recent live video feeds are coming from.
Behind Andy's bed is a map of the world marked with pushpins. Those pushpins each correspond to the hometowns of the film's production team.
The statement that oil originated in the sea is confirmed by a glance at a map showing the chief oilfield of the world; very few of them are far distant from the oceans of today.
A quick look at the map will show you the world wide level of interest in Software Freedom Day and Free and Open Source Software generally.
In traditional robotics (that is, robotics before 1986), a robot has a central "brain" that builds and maintains a "map" of the world and makes plans based on that map.
In traditional robotics (that is, robotics before 1986), a robot has a central "brain" that builds and maintains a "map" of the world and makes plans based on that map.