We can make a very good estimate from the fossil record that humans probably evolved naked skin around a million and a half years ago.
Such infections resulted in more than a million and a half patient illnesses and caused or contributed to nearly a hundred thousand patient deaths.
I could eat about a million and a half of this.
I could eat about a million and a half of these.
I could eat about a million and a half o 'these.
Sales at gm dropped by a million and a half vehicles.
Sales at GM dropped by a million and a half vehicles.
He said a million and a half civilians need long-term assistance.
You wanna Chocolate · I could eat about a million and a half o 'these.
And by the time I'm a million and a half, I no longer remember what was happening in oh, back, back.
I could eat about a million and a half o 'these. My momma always said life was like a box o 'chocolates.
I can eat a million and a half of these. My Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are gonna get.
Worldwide, more than a million and a half kids under the age of five die every year from diseases that spread through poor sanitation or unsafe drinking water.
Sucre tells him that while the man will deny it, he’s the infamous D.B. Cooper who parachuted out of a plane thirty years ago with a million and a half in cash.
Michael询问起他的情况,Sucre告诉他,那老人是臭名昭著的D.B.Cooper,尽管他自己不承认,D.B. Cooper三十年前带着150万现金从一架飞机上跳伞逃亡。
Towns have been erased; hundreds of thousands are homeless; food and water are in short supply; at least a million and a half households are without electricity.
The museums attract more than two and a half million visitors a year.
Grab a calculator and you'll discover that, over 40 years going out to dinner twice a month at $40 each time amounts to half a million.
It has a population of about seven and a half million, so it is bigger and busier than Cambridge.
Between 2000 and 2006 Indonesia planted roughly half a million hectares of oil palm a year, mostly on recently deforested land.
A further million are retired, a million are children and more than half a million are unemployed (national jobless rates are almost 20%, with youth rates double that).
At the end of the war, one and a half million Americas returned home to a country preoccupied with peace and prosperity, not with a war that took place nearly a half a world away.
Jobs has announced plans to sell 10 million iPhones by the end of 2008 — a year and a half after launch.
If violence halts the supply effort, there will indeed be a state of emergency for a country harbouring half-a-million refugees and displaced persons.
Autism is a complex and lifelong disability, affecting an estimated half a million people in the UK, and the right support at the right time can make a huge difference to people's lives.
Two and a half years ago Lyubomirsky and Sheldon received a five-year, $1-million grant from the National Institute of Mental Health to do just that.
But with 10 to 20 per cent of people worldwide getting flu every year, that still adds up to a huge burden of illness - and even in a good year some half a million die.
但是,全球每年有10% - 20%的人感染流感,这意味着流感依旧是一项巨大的疾病负担,即使在情况较好的年份里(指流感感染人数较少,译者注),每年仍有大约50万人死于流感。
But with 10 to 20 per cent of people worldwide getting flu every year, that still adds up to a huge burden of illness - and even in a good year some half a million die.
但是,全球每年有10% - 20%的人感染流感,这意味着流感依旧是一项巨大的疾病负担,即使在情况较好的年份里(指流感感染人数较少,译者注),每年仍有大约50万人死于流感。