From today's vantage point, the 1987 crash seems just a blip in the upward progress of the market.
We just wanted to play games but they didn't want to admit they were simply buying us a toy, but via our youthful vantage point of technical knowledge we helped assuage their guilt.
Spanish entrepreneur wants to give you a glimpse of the black expanse of space and the curvature of the earth from a most unusual vantage point — a balloon.
According to Futabasha in a news conference, the last photograph in Usui's digital camera was of the bottom of the cliff from the vantage point of the top.
Institute a regular (weekly or daily) time for reflection from a higher level vantage point, to renew your overview of progress and priorities.
It also takes a little luck: it looks as if the face might be composed of multiple layers of the cloud front that come together to look like a face from only his vantage point.
From my vantage point as a project leader, that is probably the biggest benefit of using Rational Rapid Developer on this project.
From a vantage point outside our home, a revealing perspective has shown us the planet for what it really is; a ball of living star dust, a four-and-one-billion year old miracle.
From the vantage point of a window seat, you can survey the slums.
The best reason to make your transition into Nonphysical is that you have a sense of completion-and you are looking for another vantage point.
From a spectacular vantage point, looking back toward the inner solar system, the robot spacecraft recorded this view of the night side of Saturn casting a sharp shadow across the bright rings.
From this vantage point, visitors get a full 360 degree view of the city.
On our way out of this scenic spot, there'll be a vantage point to see the lake.
From our vantage point we have a clear picture of what is happening all around the world.
The conservation law provides a perspective from the vantage point of experiment .
In relating the narrative text's setting, events and characters, there is always a female point of view, or vantage, from which she presents everything she sees in Mrs Gaskell's.
From their high vantage point the village looked like a collection of toy houses in the great slanting shafts of sunlight stretching to earth in the breaks between clouds.
Their concentrated critiques in 1908 of the Chinese historical reformer Wang Anshi provide a fairly good vantage-point for comparison.
Moreover, from the broad vantage point of history, the next recession, whenever it occurs, will likely be a minor blip.
With a first-person vantage point you zero in on the more immediate elements of your presentation: You're talking to your colleagues;
With a first-person vantage point you zero in on the more immediate elements of your presentation: You're talking to your colleagues;