At school aspect, is a school term primarily bad, educate the teaching level low, teacher's character is not even, causing children to tire of learning, stops schooling.
They simply had a school party at the end of the term.
At the end of the term Jenny was given a prize for being a very helpful girl in the school.
Little by little, I took a great interest in literature, and last term I won the first prize in the composition contest among high school students in our city.
A new term began. Students all returned to school and met again.
Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive term. It is a lifelong process, a process that starts long before the start of school, and one that should be an integral part of one's entire life.
So part of this is a long-term problem: We have to enhance education from grade school all the way up so that the population becomes more competitive as a labor force.
Jeffrey Spang, MD, an expert at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, explains how you can develop a long-term, healthy approach to exercise.
The Johnson School of Business at Cornell, for example, has set up a programme that links MBAs with short-term projects over the summer.
Mr Geffen scraped through high school and tried a term at the University of Texas before Hollywood beckoned.
According to David Bloom of the Harvard School of Public Health, the "demographic dividend" (his term) accounted for a third of East Asian growth in 1965-90.
据哈佛公共卫生学院大卫·布隆称,“人口红利”(他的个人术语)对1965- 1990东亚经济第三次增长起了主要作用。
But the short-term costs are also weighty: two years at a leading American business school can cost $100,000 even before you take living expenses and forgone income into account.
Like it or not, after a well-spent winter vacation, a new term has come. Time for us to go back to school.
As many as one in five people have dyslexia to some degree, according to the Connecticut Longitudinal Study, a long-term study of about 450 school-age children that concluded in the early 2000s.
依据《康涅狄格阅读长期追踪计划》的研究成果,每5个人中就有1个人有某种程度的读写困难发生。 该计划跟踪了大约450学龄儿童并于本世纪初年完成了研究报告。
The school has advised parents in a newsletter to stop sending cakes to school from the next term.
For example, in school the term 'gay' is used a lot as an insult, and is not a word with positive overtones.
This term I moved to a new house and studied in a new school.
Now, my high school life has begun a term.
There are a large number of new books in our school library this term.
Her school fees are 440 a term; music and dancing are extras.
In law school, we spent an entire semester discussing the meaning of a "contract," and I know all too well how a term can elude you as you try to define it.
A period of recess, usually lasting one week, during the spring term at school.
"Longer life would give us a chance to recover our mistakes and promote long term thinking" says Dr Gregory Stock of the University of California School of Public Health.
A period of recess, usually lasting one week, during the spring term at school.
A period of recess, usually lasting one week, during the spring term at school.