Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, Volume 7 and 8: a System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive.
In terms of problems associated with the co-existence of many types of preference, this thesis constructs a system of logic of many kinds preference.
Rules are stored outside of application logic, making it easy for a business person to add or modify the rules while not taking the system offline.
The tool Mr Barth is employing to effect this transition is linear temporal logic, a system of mathematical logic that can express detailed constraints on the past and the future.
Faults may already exist within a business process and can compromise the integrity of the system, so you must use process logic to restore the system's integrity.
Under the covers, an SAP system has a common kernel plus business process specific data structures (business objects) and processing logic on top of it.
Fine-grained components are more numerous and are used to organize the implementation of logic in a system, often implementing a detailed technical algorithm.
Sequence diagrams model the flow of logic within your system in a visual manner, enabling you to both document and validate your logic, and are commonly used for both analysis and design purposes.
For now, a controller class is a placeholder for one or more classes that would be fleshed out during design to implement the business logic of your system.
A sequence diagram is typically used for modeling use cases, to show the logic of both the methods and the services of a system.
The eBay Desktop as an example has a high degree of logic on the client to provide an engaging user experience with features such as countdown timers, and system tray notifications.
State machines are also useful when the logic is cyclic in nature; that is, where an object or part of the system goes through a series of states repeatedly.
Here, logging output influences other parts of a system in terms of business relevance, in other words, other applications read business critical log records and use those in their business logic.
We now see that no logic except bio-logic can assemble a thinking device, or even a workable system of any magnitude.
Therefore, the existing judicial challenge system needs to be perfected, no matter as a conclusion in logic or the objective need of judicial reality.
Poetic language forms a system of itself and has its own distinctive linguistic logic and structural meaning.
This article describes a real-time controlling system of TV program auto-broadcasting with micro-computer PLC (Programmable Logic Controller).
A real time optical logic processor is presented, that can perform binary logic operations in parallel. Experimental result is given of the system as a half adder.
A method of sliding mode control based on fuzzy logic, for a class of linear uncertain system shown in phase coordinate, is presented It if derived from the principle of sliding mode control.
Relays are the logic elements of a protection system which sense the fault and cause the circuit-breaker trip circuits to be energized and the breakers to open their contacts.
Through realizing PLC logic in FPGA and providing a compiler which can be used to compile PLC command to implement the sup - port of NC system to universal PLC program language.
Fuzzy cognitive maps as a soft computing method, which combines the synergistic fuzzy logic and theories of neural networks provides a powerful tool for the complex system modeling.
The problem of the system and structure of law is, in effect, a legal totality put together according to the legal norms in a logic order.
Keeping a consistency in the logic of the system of Chinese civil law.
System development is the act of creating a logical construct that is implemented as logic and data on computers.
This paper describes the program controller and the control system of distributing gear of a blast furnace with the application of magnetic logic elements.
A method of implementing symbol logic inference system using recurrent multilayer perceptron neural networks is presented in this paper.
A general introduction was made on effect, control principle and PLC logic control of the loop control system in high speed rod rolling.
In terms of the authors sketch of design and verification of safety programs, a pointer logic system is designed for a subset of C-like language.
In terms of the authors sketch of design and verification of safety programs, a pointer logic system is designed for a subset of C-like language.