During the inquiry into what caused the disaster, investigators focused on two Libyan agents, Abdel Basset ali al-Megrahi and Lamin Khalifah Fhimah.
It galls the relatives that Scotland freed the one man convicted and imprisoned in the bombing, a former Libyan intelligence agent, Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi.
让遇难者亲属更加痛苦的是,苏格兰法庭无罪释放了一名在爆炸案中有证据显示有罪的被告,将另外一名被告,前利比亚特工,阿卜杜勒 迈格拉希送入监狱。
It galls the relatives that Scotland freed the one man convicted and imprisoned in the bombing, a former Libyan intelligence agent, Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi.
让遇难者亲属更加痛苦的是,苏格兰法庭无罪释放了一名在爆炸案中有证据显示有罪的被告,将另外一名被告,前利比亚特工,阿卜杜勒 迈格拉希送入监狱。