Clinical test results are unreliable, and that raises questions about the integrity of our entire ten billion dollar pipeline.
Architecture: the architecture group does not need to know about the sales metrics and test results.
Information about the test artifacts and test execution results are stored in a series of associated files known as a "test datastore."
The database holds information for about 2 million patients and grows by 12,000 documents per day as new test results, doctor's notes, and other patient-related data are added.
Performance analysis is another technique that, when used in conjunction with a test harness, yields enlightening results about the application.
Who most CARES about the results of executing this test?
You can define them however you want, but think about how you might divide up your test effort and how you want to report on the results.
But the breakthrough raises moral questions about the effects of being told your destiny - and about who picks up the pieces if the test results are wrong.
Furthermore, the same results were obtained by simply having a column on the test paper for subjects to fill in their gender, without any comments about gender being made.
Many women come home and keep quiet about their [HIV] test results, continuing to breastfeed, afraid of being thrown out of the home.
The results confirmed what the investigators suspected they'd find: the gay men and straight women scored about equally well in the test, and both did better than the straight men.
My brother? He never called to ask about the results of the test. He has no interest in such esoteric stuff.
They are talking about the results of a new trial. Here, "trial" means "test" - the test of a new medicine on animals or patients.
On the other hand, the community method led to 60 percent fewer complaints among villagers about the results of the programs, compared to the proxy means test.
Think about how you might react when waiting for the results of a medical test.
About half of the participants were given their test results and told that the average score was nine, to make them would feel bad about themselves.
To demonstrate this, I've upgraded the code within the xsl:result-document tag to provide more information about the results of the test (see Listing 4).
作为一个例子,我修改了xsl:result-document标签中的代码,以便提供关于测试结果的更多信息(参见清单 4)。
Think about the simplicity of checking the Purify test results summary on a Web page that gets updated automatically every time your test suite is executed.
However, Walker remains optimistic about the implications of the study: "these results are interesting and show that there is the potential to develop a single breath test to detect these cancers."
The updated labels contain new warnings and precautions about the possibility of elevations in liver function test results during treatment.
The results of the test data indicate that the prediction system is reliable and the root of mean square error is about 15%.
Uncertainty. Few people enjoy not knowing what might happen. Think about how you might react when waiting for the results of a medical test.
The test results were consistent with what law enforcement officials have said about the account provided by the woman, the person briefed in the matter said.
Not telling patients about abnormal test results can delay treatment of cancers or heart disease, hurting the patient's chances of survival and exposing doctors to malpractice lawsuits.
Results the real image test showed the same results as simulated test, and gave more information about accuracy, sensitive and stability of the algorithm.
The application test results show that the newly developed low mist cutting oil can reduce the mist concentration by about 50 percent on average in the workshop.
Theoretical calculation and industrial test have shown that at present production conditions in Nangang Group, the results about desulphurization of slags filtrating in LD tapping process are better.
Results:1) Designs a test scale about job satisfaction which consists of 76 items by making survey and logical analysis of the test scale and its result.
Results:1) Designs a test scale about job satisfaction which consists of 76 items by making survey and logical analysis of the test scale and its result.